Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hit by uninsured co-worker, what are options?

I was parked at work, and one of my co-workers left before me. Backed up and hit my car. The hit was kind of big, no apperent mechanical damage, but the hood is completely useless. Well that night the hood still closed, but the next day when i was driving to school, it opened up on me in the freeway. Luckily no other cars were around me, and i pulled over to the side. I drove the rest of the way to school at 20 MPH, and called a tow truck during my break, to take it the body shop. The co-worker that hit me is not insured in that car, and has no license. I told her that if she wants to say her mom was driving thats fine with me, but something seems to be backing up the insurance, that she keeps telling me to just get an estimate and they'll pay for it out of pocket in payments. The thing is that i can't drive my car, i need it now, and it was 100% her fault, and there were even witnesses. Is it wrong of me to charge her the windshield and extra body damge that resulted from my hood popping up? What should i say to her if she thinks the price is too high, or if she just simply can't pay for it all at once? I need my car right away for work and school, whats the right thing to do, and whats some advice of things i should do? If legal action has to be taken who do i contact?

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